Thursday, 27 July 2017

Education quality-Examination preparation

What is the main purpose of schooling? Is schooling only to prepare the boys/girls to write the examination. In that case examination becomes the sovereignty of schools. In one of the schools of my locality my relative girl is studying XI standard in CBSE stream.She asked me why she has been put into examination daily.Nowadays teachers, parents and principals believe that only examination will drive students towards learning. In general test or examination are conducted to know what is understood by the students in the learning process. Examination can also be used as a tool for learning if properly used. Every examination should meet certain standards to improve upon the quality of learning. Examination cannot become a drudgery and become a laughing stock. During the course of schooling students should be trained to participate in the examination like they participate in sports and games. Examinations are useful to evaluate the students whether they are coming in the right track towards achieving the said objectives.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Education quality-- definition

How to define education quality .In Tamil nadu a number of engineering colleges are not attractiing enough number of students in recent years.why they are not attractiing the enough students.How parents and students select the institutions.did they know about the quality of education services provided by the engineering colleges.many students and parents seek some of engineering colleges mainly because of the placements provided the institution that is job arranging potential of the institution. Is  job arranging the only function of the engineering colleges. The function of an higher education institution is not only developing the individual for the job market.The institution should provide opportunities for research and development projects at the institute.A quality institution should provide an atmosphere of all types of activities that aim to develop the human as a whole who will innovate many products and processes that will covert the globe into a better place for living.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Education quality--who is author

In schools or colleges text books are necessary to teach a particular subject. How text books are written various levels of classes.whate is the difference between the text books and reference books. In text books a set of learning outcomes is drawn up for each chapter and the content is selected for each chapter to achieve the objectives. The list of tables and list of figures are selected for each chapter.The questions for each chapter are selected.The list of references are also added at the end of the chapter.